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Computational thinking in pre-university education

Published: 02 November 2016 Publication History


Several countries have usually adopted several priorities for developing ICT competences from kindergarten to secondary education. Most of them are focused on the development of key competences and/or coding skills. Although coding may be very attractive for young students and a very good practice or experience, it could be more interesting to develop students' logical thinking skills and problem-solving skills throughout programming approaches or computational thinking. This is a very exciting challenge with lots of possibilities regarding coding, robots, mobiles devices, Arduino-based application, game-based learning and so on. Thus it is very important discuss the experiences that are being developed worldwide in specialized for a with researchers that are working on this field, such as for example European Union TACCLE 3 - Coding project. This track is devoted to identify, share and valorize best practices and experiences (including technological and methodological issues) that focused on the development of computational thinking and related skills in any level of pre-university education.


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TEEM '16: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
November 2016
1165 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 02 November 2016


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  1. TACCLE 3
  2. coding in schools
  3. coding skills throughout games
  4. computational thinking
  5. computational thinking skills and curriculum
  6. controlling things
  7. programming robots
  8. using logic


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Overall Acceptance Rate 496 of 705 submissions, 70%


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