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SupportingTrust in Autonomous Driving

Published: 07 March 2017 Publication History


Autonomous cars will likely hit the market soon, but trust into such a technology is one of the big discussion points in the public debate. Drivers who have always been in complete control of their car are expected to willingly hand over control and blindly trust a technology that could kill them. We argue that trust in autonomous driving can be increased by means of a driver interface that visualizes the car's interpretation of the current situation and its corresponding actions. To verify this, we compared different visualizations in a user study, overlaid to a driving scene: (1) a chauffeur avatar, (2) a world in miniature, and (3) a display of the car's indicators as the baseline. The world in miniature visualization increased trust the most. The human-like chauffeur avatar can also increase trust, however, we did not find a significant difference between the chauffeur and the baseline.


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