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A multi-scale model for simulating liquid-hair interactions

Published: 20 July 2017 Publication History


The diverse interactions between hair and liquid are complex and span multiple length scales, yet are central to the appearance of humans and animals in many situations. We therefore propose a novel multi-component simulation framework that treats many of the key physical mechanisms governing the dynamics of wet hair. The foundations of our approach are a discrete rod model for hair and a particle-in-cell model for fluids. To treat the thin layer of liquid that clings to the hair, we augment each hair strand with a height field representation. Our contribution is to develop the necessary physical and numerical models to evolve this new system and the interactions among its components. We develop a new reduced-dimensional liquid model to solve the motion of the liquid along the length of each hair, while accounting for its moving reference frame and influence on the hair dynamics. We derive a faithful model for surface tension-induced cohesion effects between adjacent hairs, based on the geometry of the liquid bridges that connect them. We adopt an empirically-validated drag model to treat the effects of coarse-scale interactions between hair and surrounding fluid, and propose new volume-conserving dripping and absorption strategies to transfer liquid between the reduced and particle-in-cell liquid representations. The synthesis of these techniques yields an effective wet hair simulator, which we use to animate hair flipping, an animal shaking itself dry, a spinning car wash roller brush dunked in liquid, and intricate hair coalescence effects, among several additional scenarios.

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libWetHair is an open source project for the physical simulation of liquid and wet hairs. It is cross-platform (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, and more), and licensed under Clear BSD License for academic and non-commercial use. It is the original implementation of the paper A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions. More details can be found at
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  1. A multi-scale model for simulating liquid-hair interactions



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    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 36, Issue 4
    August 2017
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    Published: 20 July 2017
    Published in TOG Volume 36, Issue 4


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    1. fluid dynamics
    2. particle-in-cell
    3. shallow water equation
    4. two-way coupling
    5. wet hair


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