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On-The-Fly Academic Linked Data Integration

Published: 19 May 2017 Publication History


The web of Linked Open Data (LOD) has a prominent and rapid evolution recently. Over the last few years, LOD had developed to involve a wide range of various domains. Due to these facts, and the great interconnections among linked open datasets, linked data integration task had gained a huge attention and became a focal point of research. LOD applications aim to incorporate data from different LOD sources. Unfortunately, these sources of data are heterogeneous in schema and/or in vocabularies. Due to this heterogeneity, numerous challenges are emerging that have to be overcome. In this paper, a LOD integration framework is proposed, which aims to tackle these challenges. It works on integrating academic LOD datasets that reside in different LOD repositories with intrinsic schema and vocabularies heterogeneity. An automatic mapping technique in the integration processes is proposed in this paper. Consequently, an obvious decrease in execution time for the entire integration process, as well as, a great progress in the integrated data quality assessment metrics has been achieved.


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ICCDA '17: Proceedings of the International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis
May 2017
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  • University of Florida: University of Florida


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Published: 19 May 2017


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  1. Linked Data Schema mapping
  2. Linked Data Vocabulary mapping
  3. Linked Data integration
  4. Linked Open Data
  5. Resource Description Framework (RDF)


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited




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