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Structural Diversity and Homophily: A Study Across More Than One Hundred Big Networks

Published: 04 August 2017 Publication History


A widely recognized organizing principle of networks is structural homophily, which suggests that people with more common neighbors are more likely to connect with each other. However, what influence the diverse structures embedded in common neighbors have on link formation is much less well-understood. To explore this problem, we begin by characterizing the structural diversity of common neighborhoods. Using a collection of 120 large-scale networks, we demonstrate that the impact of the common neighborhood diversity on link existence can vary substantially across networks. We find that its positive effect on Facebook and negative effect on LinkedIn suggest different underlying networking needs in these networks. We also discover striking cases where diversity violates the principle of homophily---that is, where fewer mutual connections may lead to a higher tendency to link with each other. We then leverage structural diversity to develop a common neighborhood signature (CNS), which we apply to a large set of networks to uncover unique network superfamilies not discoverable by conventional methods. Our findings shed light on the pursuit to understand the ways in which network structures are organized and formed, pointing to potential advancement in designing graph generation models and recommender systems.


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KDD '17: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2017
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 04 August 2017


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  1. big data
  2. embeddedness
  3. link prediction
  4. network diversity
  5. network signature
  6. social networks
  7. triadic closure


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