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View all- Peña-Araya VXue TPietriga EAmsaleg LBezerianos A(2021)HyperStorylines: Interactively untangling dynamic hypergraphsInformation Visualization10.1177/1473871621104500721:1(38-62)Online publication date: 18-Sep-2021
We commonly represent time-varying values as polyline charts or heatmaps; however, both type of techniques are difficult to simultaneously observe short-term features of time-varying values and cluster transitions. This poster proposes storyline-based ...
The goal of clustering in data mining is to distinguish objects into partitions/ clusters based on given criteria. Visualization methods and techniques may provide users an intuitively appealing interpretation of cluster structures. Having good visually ...
Ordering points to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) is a density-based clustering algorithm that allows the exploration of the cluster structure in the dataset by outputting an ordered queue called cluster ordering. However, ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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