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Using Worker Self-Assessments for Competence-Based Pre-Selection in Crowdsourcing Microtasks

Published: 23 August 2017 Publication History


Paid crowdsourcing platforms have evolved into remarkable marketplaces where requesters can tap into human intelligence to serve a multitude of purposes, and the workforce can benefit through monetary returns for investing their efforts. In this work, we focus on individual crowd worker competencies. By drawing from self-assessment theories in psychology, we show that crowd workers often lack awareness about their true level of competence. Due to this, although workers intend to maintain a high reputation, they tend to participate in tasks that are beyond their competence. We reveal the diversity of individual worker competencies, and make a case for competence-based pre-selection in crowdsourcing marketplaces. We show the implications of flawed self-assessments on real-world microtasks, and propose a novel worker pre-selection method that considers accuracy of worker self-assessments. We evaluated our method in a sentiment analysis task and observed an improvement in the accuracy by over 15%, when compared to traditional performance-based worker pre-selection. Similarly, our proposed method resulted in an improvement in accuracy of nearly 6% in an image validation task. Our results show that requesters in crowdsourcing platforms can benefit by considering worker self-assessments in addition to their performance for pre-selection.


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      cover image ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
      ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 24, Issue 4
      August 2017
      182 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 23 August 2017
      Accepted: 01 June 2017
      Revised: 01 April 2017
      Received: 01 December 2016
      Published in TOCHI Volume 24, Issue 4


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      Author Tags

      1. Crowdsourcing
      2. microtasks
      3. performance
      4. pre-screening
      5. pre-selection
      6. self-assessment
      7. worker behaviour


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      Funding Sources

      • European Commission within the H2020-ICT-2015 Programme (AFEL project)


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