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Predicting the performance impact of different fat-tree configurations

Published: 12 November 2017 Publication History


The fat-tree topology is one of the most commonly used network topologies in HPC systems. Vendors support several options that can be configured when deploying fat-tree networks on production systems, such as link bandwidth, number of rails, number of planes, and tapering. This paper showcases the use of simulations to compare the impact of these design options on representative production HPC applications, libraries, and multi-job workloads. We present advances in the TraceR-CODES simulation framework that enable this analysis and evaluate its prediction accuracy against experiments on a production fat-tree network. In order to understand the impact of different network configurations on various anticipated scenarios, we study workloads with different communication patterns, computation-to-communication ratios, and scaling characteristics. Using multi-job workloads, we also study the impact of inter-job interference on performance and compare the cost-performance tradeoffs.


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  1. Predicting the performance impact of different fat-tree configurations



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        SC '17: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
        November 2017
        801 pages
        • General Chair:
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        • Program Chair:
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        Published: 12 November 2017


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        1. fat-tree topology
        2. network simulation
        3. performance prediction
        4. procurement


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