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Measuring the effect of "bottom-up" gamification in a microtask setting

Published: 20 September 2017 Publication History


We investigate "bottom-up" gamification: allowing users to define their own gamification setup at runtime, i.e., they can select game elements fitting their needs. The goal is thereby to make gamification more engaging and relevant, by providing users with more autonomy. While it was shown previously that users appreciate "bottom-up" gamification, it was left open which effects "bottom-up" has in comparison to "top-down" gamification. We contribute to this by analyzing the effects within a microtask setup in the context of the text recognition domain. Participants (N=106) had to solve tasks, and were either in one of four gamified conditions (which varied in the amount of offered choices) or had to solve the tasks without gamification. Participants making use of the "bottom-up" choices solved more tasks, providing further support that systems should enable users to define their own gamification at runtime as this can lead to positive effects.


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    AcademicMindtrek '17: Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference
    September 2017
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    Published: 20 September 2017


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    AcademicMindtrek'17: Annual Academic Mindtrek Conference
    September 20 - 21, 2017
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