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View all- Breeden JPanagou D(2023)Compositions of Multiple Control Barrier Functions Under Input Constraints2023 American Control Conference (ACC)10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156625(3688-3695)Online publication date: 31-May-2023
We study recursive inclusionsxn+1ź G(xn). For instance, such systems appear for discrete finite-difference inclusionsxn+1 źGź(xn) whereGź:=1+źF. The discrete viability kernel ofGź, i.e., the largest discrete viability domain, can be an internal ...
This paper is concerned with the numerical approximation of viability kernels. The method described here provides an alternative approach to the usual viability algorithm. We first consider a characterization of the viability kernel as the value function ...
In this paper two kernels for interval data based on the intersection operation are introduced. On the one hand, it is demonstrated that the intersection length of two intervals is a positive definite (PD) kernel. On the other hand, a signed variant of ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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