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G-Miner: an efficient task-oriented graph mining system

Published: 23 April 2018 Publication History


Graph mining is one of the most important areas in data mining. However, scalable solutions for graph mining are still lacking as existing studies focus on sequential algorithms. While many distributed graph processing systems have been proposed in recent years, most of them were designed to parallelize computations such as PageRank and Breadth-First Search that keep states on individual vertices and propagate updates along edges. Graph mining, on the other hand, may generate many subgraphs whose number can far exceed the number of vertices. This inevitably leads to much higher computational and space complexity rendering existing graph systems inefficient. We propose G-Miner, a distributed system with a new architecture designed for general graph mining. G-Miner adopts a unified programming framework for implementing a wide range of graph mining algorithms. We model subgraph processing as independent tasks, and design a novel task pipeline to streamline task processing for better CPU, network and I/O utilization. Our extensive experiments validate the efficiency of G-Miner for a range of graph mining tasks.


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    Published: 23 April 2018


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