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BCD: Decomposing Binary Code Into Components Using Graph-Based Clustering

Published: 29 May 2018 Publication History


Complex software is built by composing components implementing largely independent blocks of functionality. However, once the sources are compiled into an executable, that modularity is lost. This is unfortunate for code recipients, for whom knowing the components has many potential benefits, such as improved program understanding for reverse-engineering, identifying shared code across different programs, binary code reuse, and authorship attribution. A novel approach for decomposing such source-free program executables into components is here proposed. Given an executable, the approach first statically builds a decomposition graph, where nodes are functions and edges capture three types of relationships: code locality, data references, and function calls. It then applies a graph-theoretic approach to partition the functions into disjoint components. A prototype implementation, BCD, demonstrates the approach's efficacy: Evaluation of BCD with 25 C++ binary programs to recover the methods belonging to each class achieves high precision and recall scores for these tested programs.


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ASIACCS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
May 2018
866 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 29 May 2018


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  1. binary code decomposition
  2. components
  3. graph-based clustering


  • Short-paper

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