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Strategic Classification from Revealed Preferences

Published: 11 June 2018 Publication History


We study an online linear classification problem in which the data is generated by strategic agents who manipulate their features in an effort to change the classification outcome. In rounds, the learner deploys a classifier, then an adversarially chosen agent arrives and possibly manipulates her features to optimally respond to the learner's choice of classifier. The learner has no knowledge of the agents' utility functions or "real" features, which may vary widely across agents. Instead, the learner is only able to observe their "revealed preferences", i.e., the manipulated feature vectors they provide. For a broad family of agent cost functions, we give a computationally efficient learning algorithm that is able to obtain diminishing "Stackelberg regret" --- a form of policy regret that guarantees that the learner is realizing loss nearly as small as that of the best classifier in hindsight, even allowing for the fact that agents would have best-responded differently to the optimal classifier.

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  1. Strategic Classification from Revealed Preferences



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      EC '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
      June 2018
      713 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 11 June 2018


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      Author Tags

      1. online learning
      2. revealed preferences
      3. stackelberg regret
      4. strategic agents
      5. strategic classification


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