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10.1145/3240323.3240361acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesrecsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Recurrent knowledge graph embedding for effective recommendation

Published: 27 September 2018 Publication History


Knowledge graphs (KGs) have proven to be effective to improve recommendation. Existing methods mainly rely on hand-engineered features from KGs (e.g., meta paths), which requires domain knowledge. This paper presents RKGE, a KG embedding approach that automatically learns semantic representations of both entities and paths between entities for characterizing user preferences towards items. Specifically, RKGE employs a novel recurrent network architecture that contains a batch of recurrent networks to model the semantics of paths linking a same entity pair, which are seamlessly fused into recommendation. It further employs a pooling operator to discriminate the saliency of different paths in characterizing user preferences towards items. Extensive validation on real-world datasets shows the superiority of RKGE against state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we show that RKGE provides meaningful explanations for recommendation results.

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  1. Recurrent knowledge graph embedding for effective recommendation



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    RecSys '18: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
    September 2018
    600 pages
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    Published: 27 September 2018


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    1. attention mechanism
    2. knowledge graph
    3. recurrent neural network
    4. semantic representation


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    RecSys '18
    RecSys '18: Twelfth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
    October 2, 2018
    British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

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