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Theories and techniques of program understanding

Published: 28 October 1991 Publication History


Understanding programs written by others is a difficult task. Most maintenance tasks in software require an understanding of the source code as a first step. Unfortunately, in most cases, the source code of a program is the only reliable documentation of its behavior. As a result, maintainers have to rely heavily on code browsing to acquire the necessary information. This paper surveys the various theories that have been proposed to explain the process of understanding, considers the different techniques used by the tools that are employed, and discusses their relative merits and demerits.


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cover image DL Hosted proceedings
CASCON '91: Proceedings of the 1991 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative research
October 1991
404 pages


  • IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory Centre for Advanced Studies


IBM Press

Publication History

Published: 28 October 1991


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Overall Acceptance Rate 24 of 90 submissions, 27%


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