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Stable Multiway Circuit Partitioning for ECO

Published: 09 November 2003 Publication History


We propose a new stable multiway partitioning algorithm,where stability is defined as an additional quality of a partitioningsolution. The stability of a partitioning algorithm isan important criterion for a partitioning based placement toachieve timing closure through the repetition of the placementprocedure [Invited talk: Important Placement Considerations for Modern VLSI Chips]. Given a previous partitioning result P*on an original netlist hypergraph H* and a partially modifiednetlist hypergraph H, a new cost function with similarityfactor is defined to produce a new partition P on Hwhich is similar to the original partition P*. The proposedalgorithm is the first approach that quantifies the degree ofsimilarity of a current partition to the original partition usingsimilarity cost. Our goal is to build a new partition ina relatively short run time, whose cut quality is not muchdegraded from that of the original partition P* while it preservesas much of the previous groupings in P* as possible.The proposed partitioner is especially beneficial to engineeringchange order (ECO) applications, where partial modificationsof a netlist are handled by the incremental methodologyin a design iteration cycle. Our approach helps ECOplacers maximize the incremental capability since the portionsto be re-placed are minimized. Experimental resultsshow that the proposed algorithm achieves a high qualitypartition comparable to a state-of-the-art multilevel partitionerhMetis [Multilevel k-way hypergraph partitioning], while many portions of the groupings in the previous partition are preserved in the current partition.The tradeoff between similarity and cut quality with respectto a varying similarity coefficient is also shown.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ICCAD '03: Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided design
November 2003
899 pages



IEEE Computer Society

United States

Publication History

Published: 09 November 2003

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Author Tags

  1. Stable circuit partitioning
  2. engineering change order
  3. incremental partitioning
  4. placement
  5. similarity cost


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