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View all- Christel M(2005)Visualization TechniquesMultimodal Video Characterization and Summarization10.1007/0-387-23008-4_5(149-172)Online publication date: 2005
This paper describes the iTrust over SMS decentralized search and retrieval system for mobile networks. Any mobile device in the iTrust network can communicate with any other mobile device in the iTrust network to distribute, search for, and retrieve ...
In mobile computing Mobile Hosts or Mobile Units move randomly from one place to another within a well-defined geographical area. This requires some mechanism for identifying the exact location of a mobile host. Such mechanisms are usually referred to ...
Multimedia mobile devices have created new possibilities for developing and accessing a variety of multimedia items such as images, audio and video clips. Personal multimedia items are, nowadays, being consumed at an enormous rate. Therefore, the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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