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A nonparametric hierarchical bayesian framework for information filtering

Published: 25 July 2004 Publication History


Information filtering has made considerable progress in recent years. The predominant approaches are content-based methods and collaborative methods. Researchers have largely concentrated on either of the two approaches since a principled unifying framework is still lacking. This paper suggests that both approaches can be combined under a hierarchical Bayesian framework. Individual content-based user profiles are generated and collaboration between various user models is achieved via a common learned prior distribution. However, it turns out that a parametric distribution (e.g. Gaussian) is too restrictive to describe such a common learned prior distribution. We thus introduce a nonparametric common prior, which is a sample generated from a Dirichlet process which assumes the role of a hyper prior. We describe effective means to learn this nonparametric distribution, and apply it to learn users' information needs. The resultant algorithm is simple and understandable, and offers a principled solution to combine content-based filtering and collaborative filtering. Within our framework, we are now able to interpret various existing techniques from a unifying point of view. Finally we demonstrate the empirical success of the proposed information filtering methods.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGIR '04: Proceedings of the 27th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval
July 2004
624 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 July 2004


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  1. collaborative filtering
  2. content-based filtering
  3. dirichlet process
  4. nonparametric bayesian modelling


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