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View all- Crabtree DGao XAndreae P(2013)Query directed clusteringKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-012-0564-z36:3(693-729)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013
The present study combined product design and web page color aesthetics, and various affective adjectives were applied to create a design mode that supports designers in developing multimedia web page colors. These approaches help designers ...
Light, which is reflected from an object, varies with the type of illuminant used. Nevertheless, the color of an object appears to be approximately constant to a human observer. The ability to compute color constant descriptors from reflected light, is ...
With the introduction of low-cost color graphics systems comes a host of problems specifically concerned with the color aspect of the system. This paper discusses two of these problems: the selection and manipulation of colors by (possibly) ...
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