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Spatial computation

Published: 07 October 2004 Publication History


This paper describes a computer architecture, Spatial Computation (SC), which is based on the translation of high-level language programs directly into hardware structures. SC program implementations are completely distributed, with no centralized control. SC circuits are optimized for wires at the expense of computation units.In this paper we investigate a particular implementation of SC: ASH (Application-Specific Hardware). Under the assumption that computation is cheaper than communication, ASH replicates computation units to simplify interconnect, building a system which uses very simple, completely dedicated communication channels. As a consequence, communication on the datapath never requires arbitration; the only arbitration required is for accessing memory. ASH relies on very simple hardware primitives, using no associative structures, no multiported register files, no scheduling logic, no broadcast, and no clocks. As a consequence, ASH hardware is fast and extremely power efficient.In this work we demonstrate three features of ASH: (1) that such architectures can be built by automatic compilation of C programs; (2) that distributed computation is in some respects fundamentally different from monolithic superscalar processors; and (3) that ASIC implementations of ASH use three orders of magnitude less energy compared to high-end superscalar processors, while being on average only 33% slower in performance (3.5x worst-case).


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ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  Volume 32, Issue 5
December 2004
283 pages
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  • cover image ACM Conferences
    ASPLOS XI: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems
    October 2004
    296 pages
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Published: 07 October 2004
Published in SIGARCH Volume 32, Issue 5

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  1. application-specific hardware
  2. dataflow machine
  3. low-power
  4. spatial computation


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