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10.1145/1027933.1027942acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesicmi-mlmiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Multimodal transformed social interaction

Published: 13 October 2004 Publication History


Understanding human-human interaction is fundamental to the long-term pursuit of powerful and natural multimodal interfaces. Nonverbal communication, including body posture, gesture, facial expression, and eye gaze, is an important aspect of human-human interaction. We introduce a paradigm for studying multimodal and nonverbal communication in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) called Transformed Social Interaction (TSI), in which a user's visual representation is rendered in a way that strategically filters selected communication behaviors in order to change the nature of a social interaction. To achieve this, TSI must employ technology to detect, recognize, and manipulate behaviors of interest, such as facial expressions, gestures, and eye gaze. In [13] we presented a TSI experiment called <i>non-zero-sum gaze</i> (NZSG) to determine the effect of manipulated eye gaze on persuasion in a small group setting. Eye gaze was manipulated so that each participant in a three-person CVE received eye gaze from a presenter that was normal, less than normal, or greater than normal. We review this experiment and discuss the implications of TSI for multimodal interfaces.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ICMI '04: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces
October 2004
368 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 13 October 2004


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  1. computer-mediated communication
  2. multimodal processing
  3. transformed social interaction


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  • (2013)Avatar interfaces for biobehavioral feedbackProceedings of the Second international conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability: health, learning, playing, cultural, and cross-cultural user experience - Volume Part II10.1007/978-3-642-39241-2_47(424-434)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2013
  • (2013)Factors of Influence in Co-located Multimodal InteractionsIntelligent Interactive Technologies and Multimedia10.1007/978-3-642-37463-0_21(231-245)Online publication date: 2013
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