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Towards model-based design support for distributed user interfaces

Published: 23 October 2004 Publication History


User Interface design has been evolving for years to keep pace with different emerging technologies that effect human-computer interaction. Formal techniques for command-line interfaces, Drag-and-drop User Interface creation for Graphical User Interfaces and Model-Based Interface Design for Multi-Device User Interfaces are a few examples of this evolution. Nowadays communication channels between devices are getting faster, more reliable and will be omnipresent in a matter of time. Human interaction will no longer be about interaction with one device, but involves interacting with a network of devices cooperating as a set of <i>interaction resources.</i> Based on well-known concepts from distributed systems and model-based User Interface Design we develop a model for <i>distributed user interfaces.</i> One missing piece is support for distributed interfaces in the models used during the design of user interfaces. We will discuss how Dygimes, a testbed for model-based user interface development, provides support for distributed user interfaces. User mobility is a key issue, since mostly ubiquitous environments will benefit of distributed User Interfaces. In every respect location transparency plays an important role for human-device and device-device interaction.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
NordiCHI '04: Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction
October 2004
472 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 October 2004


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  1. HCI
  2. UI distribution
  3. UI migration
  4. high-level UI description
  5. interaction resources


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NordiCHI04: NordiCHI 2004
October 23 - 27, 2004
Tampere, Finland

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Overall Acceptance Rate 379 of 1,572 submissions, 24%


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