Adaptivity in speech-based multilingual e-mail client
Pages 437 - 440
In speech interfaces users must be aware what can be done with the system - in other words, the system must provide information to help the users to know what to say. We have addressed this challenge by using adaptive techniques that support the learning and use of speech applications. We describe how adaptivity can be supported on architectural level, how user modeling can help to make the interface more adaptive, how integrated tutoring teaches the users to use speech applications and how context adaptive universal commands support cross domain learning. Specific issues concerning e-mail domain are discussed and examples from a working speech-based e-mail application are given.
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Hartikainen, M., Salonen, E-P. & Turunen, M., "Subjective Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems Using SERVQUAL Method", Proc. of ICSLP 2004, 2004. (to appear)]]
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Salonen, E-P., Hartikainen, M., Turunen, M., Hakulinen J. & Funk, J. A., "Flexible Dialogue Management Using Distributed and Dynamic Dialogue Control", Proc. of ICSLP 2004, 2004. (to appear)]]
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Turunen, M. & Hakulinen, J., "Jaspis - A Framework for Multilingual Adaptive Speech Applications", Proc. of ICSLP 2000, 2000.]]
Turunen, M. & Hakulinen, J., "Mailman - a Multilingual Speech-only E-mail Client based on an Adaptive Speech Application Framework", Proc. of Workshop on Multi-Lingual Speech Communication (MSC 2000), 2000.]]
Turunen, M., Salonen, E-P., Hartikainen, M. & Hakulinen, J. "Robust and Adaptive Architecture for Multilingual Spoken Dialogue Systems. Proc. of ICSLP 2004, 2004. (to appear)]]
Turunen, M., Salonen, E-P., Hartikainen, M., Hakulinen, J., Black, W. J., Ramsay, A. Funk, A., Conroy, A., Thompson, P., Stairmand, M., Jokinen, K., Rissanen, J., Kanto, K., Kerminen, A., Gambäck, B., Cheadle, M., Olsson, F., Sahlgren, M. 2004. "AthosMail - a multilingual Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System for E-mail Domain" Proc. of the COLING Workshop Robust and Adaptive Information Processing for Mobile Speech Interfaces, 2004. (to appear).]]
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Published: 23 October 2004
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