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10.1145/1052220.1052242acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

IT-based innovation in a digital economy: a social learning perspective

Published: 25 March 2004 Publication History


This paper argues that the existing notion of knowledge exchange and knowledge management is too static and mechanic. Building upon the SLC framework of Boisot and innovation theory we derive a model that is used to describe the implementation of Information Systems from a Knowledge Management (KM) perspective.We employ this model in three case studies of Enterprise System (ES) implementations. Enterprise Systems have been developing through the last decade from intra organizational systems (ERP) towards inter organizational information systems supporting both the internal supply chain as well as business processes over the borders of formal organizations. In that sense the later Enterprise Systems, including their best practices, can be seen as a specific knowledge container for e-business practices. The ES package is seen as a tangible software container element and an intangible content element of new knowledge (best practices) that has to be transferred from a source unit (ES vendor, ES consultant) to the destination unit.The analysis of our model shows it is well appropriate to characterize the typical learning experiences in the four cycles of ES implementations. In that sense it enhances the model of Markus & Tanis (2000). A typical trade off can be described between source and destination organization (Robey et all, 2000). We see an extra contribution of our model in a deepening of the four learning cycles. Each cycle has its own logic both in the cognitive as well as in the social perspective. We discern typical process/cycle problems within a cycle and transfer problems between the cycles. Carriers and barriers in the four cycles are identified and can help practitioners as well as scientists for being aware of the typical logic in each cycle.


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Published: 25 March 2004


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  2. implementation organizational learning
  3. knowledge management
  4. social learning cycle


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