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Reconcile art and culture on the web

Published: 25 March 2004 Publication History


In this paper, we show how the practice of buying CDs surreptitiously conditions our musical activities, and how the practice of classifying a priori, making changes one at a time, structured by buying and the notion of genre, will disappear, as develops an ad-hoc organization of auditory samples, centered on prototypes and similarity. This movement is a proof of the loss of importance of the instantiation of CD marketing categories. Thus appears similarity-based calculus, acting on considerable masses of samples, which continuously change the balance of the man-machine dialogue, in an appeal started again and again to compare information. We also show how some artistic creations which rely heavily on computers, especially in the domain of inter-media theater, proceed in the same way, masking instantiation and developing the calculation of the similarity of the comedian's expressive faces. Art and culture are linked in processes that take advantage of their massive digitalization.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
ICEC '04: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Electronic commerce
March 2004
684 pages
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  • ICEC: International Center for Electronic Commerce


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 March 2004


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  1. artificial intelligence
  2. computer art
  3. computing theory
  4. content based indexing and retrieval
  5. intelligent user interface
  6. media mining
  7. on-line music distribution


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