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View all- Roßner DAtzenbeck CBrooker S(2023)SPOREProceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media10.1145/3603163.3609075(1-6)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023
- Roßner DAtzenbeck CGross T(2021)Spatial Layout Versus List Layout: A Comparative StudyHuman-Computer-Interaction – INTERACT 202110.1007/978-3-030-85607-6_65(495-498)Online publication date: 27-Aug-2021
- Abrami GHenlein AKett AMehler ASalter ABarber JGadiraju U(2020)Text2SceneVRProceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media10.1145/3372923.3404791(177-186)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2020
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