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View all- Bernsau KBernsau K(2021)Neue umfassende Qualitätskriterien für Ihr Webseiten-ManagementTotal Web Quality10.1007/978-3-658-33958-6_2(11-35)Online publication date: 3-Aug-2021
The development of science and technology has brought a wealth of information resources to enterprises. The ability of enterprises to acquire, process and apply such information is called “enterprise information capability”, and it has become an ...
In recent years, E-business has been widely used in enterprises business, but some Enterprises have not got a good effect in E-business application. So the performance evaluation of enterprises E-business has raised more and more attention. On the basis ...
This study investigates website quality factors, their relative importance in selecting the most preferred website, and the relationship between website preference and financial performance. DeLone and McLean's IS success model extended through applying ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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