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View all- Tsai CLee CTang S(2009)The web 2.0 movementProceedings of the WSEAES 13th international conference on Computers10.5555/1627695.1627811(646-651)Online publication date: 23-Jul-2009
In recent years, the campus e-commerce has been constantly developed. The university also realizes e-commerce can not only bring convenience for the teachers and students, but also bring huge economic benefits and the management superiority for the ...
Application of regression analysis to examine substitution effects in fashion e-commerce.Unexpectedly small extent of brand competition present in fashion e-commerce.Patterns and magnitude of cross-price effects are very distinct.Asymmetric competition ...
E-commerce is an increasingly important channel for retailing commerce and business transactions. In order to solve the problems for lacking of both realistic for the goods presentation and the friendly interaction with user on the traditional E-...
Association for Computing Machinery
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