Cited By
View all- O'Connor CFitzpatrick G(2010)Making video mundanePersonal and Ubiquitous Computing10.1007/s00779-009-0258-z14:3(197-208)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010
In this paper, we propose a novel system, named Video Booklet, which enables efficient and natural personal video browsing and searching. In the system, firstly representative thumbnails of a collection of video segments are selected through an ...
Nowadays, numerous social videos have pervaded on the web. Social web videos are characterized with the accompanying rich contextual information which describe the content of videos and thus greatly facilitate video search and browsing. Generally, those ...
Despite Instagram being an integral part of many people’s lives, it is relatively less studied than many other platforms (e.g., Twitter and Facebook). Furthermore, despite offering diverse content formats for user expression and interaction, prior works ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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