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View all- Heino TCliburn DRilea SCooper JTachkov V(2010)Limitations of Signs as Navigation Aids in Virtual WorldsProceedings of the 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences10.1109/HICSS.2010.256(1-10)Online publication date: 5-Jan-2010
- Cliburn DRilea SParsons DSurya PSemler J(2009)The effects of teleportation on recollection of the structure of a virtual worldProceedings of the 15th Joint virtual reality Eurographics conference on Virtual Environments10.5555/2383947.2383973(117-120)Online publication date: 7-Dec-2009
- Elmqvist NTudoreanu MTsigas PCzerwinski MLund ATan D(2008)Evaluating motion constraints for 3D wayfinding in immersive and desktop virtual environmentsProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/1357054.1357330(1769-1778)Online publication date: 6-Apr-2008