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Online help system design based on the situated action theory

Published: 23 October 2005 Publication History


Nowadays, different forms of assistance are available in interactive computer-based systems. However, current online help systems, which correspond to the main components of online assistance, often are unsuccessful in providing support to users. The help that is offered is not well-suited to the problem the users encounter and to the particular needs they have. This paper reports on a new approach to online help system design based on the situated action theory. The approach has been implemented in a system called AIDE. The system has been evaluated with 15 subjects having to do programming tasks in C++, and compared to the online help available in the programming environment they were using and on the Web. The main results show that the assistance provided by AIDE was three times as effective as the two other forms of assistance to help in defining the problem, and twice as effective to help in resolving it. Results also show that with the AIDE system, students had much less recourse to human assistance when trying to complete their tasks.


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CLIHC '05: Proceedings of the 2005 Latin American conference on Human-computer interaction
October 2005
361 pages
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  • Tecnologia Virtual
  • SIG-CHI Mexico
  • SIG-CHI Brazil
  • Create-Net
  • Microsoft Research: Microsoft Research
  • SMCC
  • ITESM Cuernavaca
  • Pullman de Morelos


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 October 2005


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  1. contextual help
  2. mixed-initiative interactions
  3. online help
  4. situated action


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  • (2015)Supporting Peer Help in Collaborative Learning EnvironmentsProceedings of the Confederated International Conferences on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences - Volume 941510.1007/978-3-319-26148-5_5(76-89)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2015
  • (2013)Designing help system for e-GOV websitesInformation Polity10.5555/2659342.265934818:3(261-274)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2013
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