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Error correction of voicemail transcripts in SCANMail

Published: 22 April 2006 Publication History


Despite its widespread use, voicemail presents numerous usability challenges: People must listen to messages in their entirety, they cannot search by keywords, and audio files do not naturally support visual skimming. SCANMail overcomes these flaws by automatically generating text transcripts of voicemail messages and presenting them in an email-like interface. Transcripts facilitate quick browsing and permanent archive. However, errors from the automatic speech recognition (ASR) hinder the usefulness of the transcripts. The work presented here specifically addresses these problems by evaluating user-initiated error correction of transcripts. User studies of two editor interfaces-a grammar-assisted menu and simple replacement by typing-reveal reduced audio playback times and an emphasis on editing important words with the menu, suggesting its value in mobile environments where limited input capabilities are the norm and user privacy is essential. The study also adds to the scarce body of work on ASR confidence shading, suggesting that shading may be more helpful than previously reported.


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cover image ACM Conferences
CHI '06: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2006
1353 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 April 2006


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  1. confidence shading
  2. editor interfaces
  3. error correction
  4. speech recognition
  5. voicemail


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April 22 - 27, 2006
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