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Narrative algorithm visualization

Published: 04 September 2006 Publication History


Visualization of algorithms has been shown to be a useful aid for educational purposes. In this work we focus on the creation of algorithm visualizations based on viewing the visualization as a narrative. This view promotes the creator to form a central plot and define abstract participating players. Following this view, the basic elements defining a visualization, namely visual metaphors and temporal transitions - are naturally addressed. The players which signify abstract notions in the algorithm define the depictions, and the story defines the transition over time. This encourages the creator to focus on the mapping process that is the basis of any visual depiction, and helps create a more engaging visualization. We present a study comparing two visualizations, a narrative one and a non-narrative one that supports the effectiveness of the narrative approach.


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SoftVis '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Software visualization
September 2006
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 04 September 2006


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