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10.1145/1180495.1180505acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesvrstConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Development of a tracking method for augmented reality applied to NPP maintenance work and its experimental evaluation

Published: 01 November 2006 Publication History


Nuclear power plants (NPP) must be maintained periodically. The maintenance efficiency must be improved and human error must be reduced simultaneously to improve NPPs' competitive capability in electricity markets. Although Augmented Reality (AR) offers great possibilities to support NPP maintenance work, some difficulties exist for application of AR to actual work support because current AR systems cannot be implemented in NPP environments without technical improvement. Problems exist such as recognition distance, tracking accuracy, and a complex working environment when applying AR to NPP field work support. Considerable extension of tracking distance and improvement of accuracy are particularly desired because NPPs are large-scale indoor environments. This study designed a linecode marker, a new type of paper-based marker, along with recognition and tracking algorithms for it to resolve these problems. In contrast to conventional paper-based markers, such as square markers and circle markers, the linecode marker is not merely easier to set up in complex industrial environments: it also enables the use of AR in industrial plants because of its considerable tracking-performance improvement. To evaluate tracking accuracy, the trackable distance, and the tracking speed of the proposed tracking method, an evaluation experiment was conducted in a large room. The experiment results show that the tracking distance is extended extremely over that of the traditional marker-based tracking method: tracking accuracy improved to 20 cm in 10 m distance. The running speed can be as fast as 15 frames per second with a laptop.


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  • (2007)An Optimization Method of Marker Arrangement for Augmented Reality2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics10.1109/ISIE.2007.4374852(1651-1656)Online publication date: Jun-2007

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  1. Development of a tracking method for augmented reality applied to NPP maintenance work and its experimental evaluation



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    VRST '06: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology
    November 2006
    400 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 November 2006


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    Author Tags

    1. augmented reality
    2. linecode marker
    3. maintenance
    4. nuclear power plant
    5. tracking method


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    • (2007)An Optimization Method of Marker Arrangement for Augmented Reality2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics10.1109/ISIE.2007.4374852(1651-1656)Online publication date: Jun-2007

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