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View all- Reibman A(2018)STRATEGIES FOR QUALITY-AWARE VIDEO CONTENT ANALYTICS2018 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI)10.1109/SSIAI.2018.8470354(77-80)Online publication date: Apr-2018
Foreground detection or moving object detection is a fundamental and critical task in video surveillance systems. Background subtraction using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a widely used approach for foreground detection. Many improvements have been ...
Background subtraction has been widely used in many intelligent video surveillance systems. It uses a background model to achieve target recognition by removing the background pixels of video images. Because of some very strong noises, the method is ...
Background subtraction is one of the key techniques for automatic video analysis, especially in the domain of video surveillance. Although its importance, evaluations of recent background subtraction methods with respect to the challenges of video ...
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