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Recognizing gaze aversion gestures in embodied conversational discourse

Published: 02 November 2006 Publication History


Eye gaze offers several key cues regarding conversational discourse during face-to-face interaction between people. While a large body of research results exist to document the use of gaze in human-to-human interaction, and in animating realistic embodied avatars, recognition of conversational eye gestures - distinct eye movement patterns relevant to discourse - has received less attention. We analyze eye gestures during interaction with an animated embodied agent and propose a non-intrusive vision-based approach to estimate eye gaze and recognize eye gestures. In our user study, human participants avert their gaze (i.e. with "look-away" or "thinking" gestures) during periods of cognitive load. Using our approach, an agent can visually differentiate whether a user is thinking about a response or is waiting for the agent or robot to take its turn.


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ICMI '06: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Multimodal interfaces
November 2006
404 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 02 November 2006


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  1. aversion gestures
  2. embodied conversational agent
  3. eye gaze tracking
  4. eye gestures
  5. human-computer interaction
  6. turn-taking


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