Cited By
View all- Brown EBrailsford TFisher TMoore A(2009)Evaluating Learning Style Personalization in Adaptive SystemsIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies10.1109/TLT.2009.112:1(10-22)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009
Rapid development has been achieved since the emergence of MOOC in 2008, but there are still many defects in the popularization of MOOC. Developing blended teaching by utilizing is considered to be one of effective means to overcome these shortcomings. ...
Browsing is one of the most popular ways to gather information in database with hypertext structure. In order to support a user to browse, modeling of the user‘s interests is one of the most important issues. Although there are several promising methods to ...
The rapid growth of Internet usage has dramatically changed the way we interact with the outside world. Many people read news, communicate with friends and purchase goods online. These activities are usually done via web browsing. Understanding user web ...
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