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10.1145/1290128.1290138acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Local spatiotemporal descriptors for visual recognition of spoken phrases

Published: 28 September 2007 Publication History


Visual speech information plays an important role in speech recognition under noisy conditions or for listeners with hearing impairment. In this paper, we propose local spatiotemporal descriptors to represent and recognize spoken isolated phrases based solely on visual input. Positions of the eyes determined by a robust face and eye detector are used for localizing the mouth regions in face images. Spatiotemporal local binary patterns extracted from these regions are used for describing phrase sequences. In our experiments with 817 sequences from ten phrases and 20 speakers, promising accuracies of 62% and 70% were obtained in speaker-independent and speaker-dependent recognition, respectively. In comparison with other methods on the Tulips1 audio-visual database, the accuracy 92.7% of our method clearly out performs the others. Advantages of our approach include local processing and robustness to monotonic gray-scale changes. Moreover, no error prone segmentation of moving lips is needed.


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HCM '07: Proceedings of the international workshop on Human-centered multimedia
September 2007
112 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 September 2007


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  1. face and eye detection
  2. local spatiotemporal descriptors
  3. mouth region localization
  4. visual speech recognition


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MM07: The 15th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2007
September 28, 2007
Bavaria, Augsburg, Germany


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