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Towards distributed service provisioning

Published: 12 December 2007 Publication History


This paper studies Internet protocols and services which is currently server based and which show good potential to be distributed to client terminals. Server based services require installation, operation and maintenance. A finite upper limit on the number of servers leads to potential performance bottlenecks. There are environments and situations in which server infrastructure is not available. Client-only based services enable terminal manufacturers to deploy new services fast and flexibly to the customers without depending on the operator server infrastructure investments.
As research material we use Internet trace statistics, Sourceforge application categories and popularity, available popularity rankings of Internet services and a literature study of distributed services. The methodology employed is to model the network as a single-hop adhoc WLAN network, which has only terminal clients of equal capabilities and which does not have any external connectivity to the public Internet or any other infrastructure network. The services which technically work in this adhoc WLAN environment can also be extended to the public Internet by taking the advantage of peer-to-peer or other overlay networks. The services are evaluated based on their use case, if there are alternative solutions providing the same service, and according to the technical feasibility in mobile devices.
For each selected potential distributed service solution the requirements are defined and the related research problem is stated. If a known solution exists, it is described and evaluated. The common building blocks needed for the service distribution are described based on the service solutions of the selected services. Finally, the main gaps on the path towards fully distributed service provisioning are identified.


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MUM '07: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
December 2007
183 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 December 2007


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  1. adhoc networks
  2. distributed information systems
  3. information services
  4. p2p
  5. peer to peer


  • Research-article



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