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10.1145/1344471.1344505acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesetraConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Comparison of eye movements in searching for easy-to-find and hard-to-find information in a hierarchically organized information structure

Published: 26 March 2008 Publication History


Finding information by successively selecting hyperlinks on web pages is a typical task performed on websites. A number of web usability studies have provided important insights about how web visitors carry out a search, and have concluded that "following information scent" is the fundamental process involved in the behavior. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the strength of information scent and web visitors'eye movements. Four web page types with different usability problems were considered. In an eyetracking experiment, eleven participants were asked to find an article on a simulated encyclopedia website by first selecting a heading from among nine provided headings, then selecting the appropriate topic link under the selected heading. The number of eye fixations, the duration of the fixations, and the task completion times were analyzed. The eye-tracking study reported in this paper added further insight to the knowledge gained from traditional web usability studies, in which visitors'performance are measured by the total number of clicks and task completion times. Website visitors'performance will not exhibit any differences in the initial heading selection stage irrespective of whether or not the pages have usability problems. However, performance will deteriorate in terms of the total number of fixations in the subsequent link selection stage when the web page has any kind of usability problem.


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  1. Comparison of eye movements in searching for easy-to-find and hard-to-find information in a hierarchically organized information structure



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      ETRA '08: Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications
      March 2008
      285 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 March 2008


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      Author Tags

      1. LSA
      2. hierarchical information structure
      3. information scent
      4. latent semantic analysis
      5. web usability


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      ETRA '08
      ETRA '08: Eye Tracking Research and Applications
      March 26 - 28, 2008
      Georgia, Savannah

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      • (2024)Segmented Trust Assessment in Autonomous Vehicles via Eye-TrackingJournal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles10.26599/JICV.2023.92100377:2(151-161)Online publication date: Jun-2024
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      • (2010)Using eye tracking to evaluate usability of user interfaces: Is it warranted?IFAC Proceedings Volumes10.3182/20100831-4-FR-2021.0008643:13(489-493)Online publication date: 2010
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      • (2009)The statistical challenge of scan-path analysis2009 2nd Conference on Human System Interactions10.1109/HSI.2009.5091008(372-375)Online publication date: May-2009

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