Cited By
View all- Tran MBiddle RKapralos BKatchabaw MRajnovich J(2008)Collaboration in serious game developmentProceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share10.1145/1496984.1496993(49-56)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2008
The main purposes of this paper are to identify the nature of primary motives for interfirm technological collaborations and examine the relationship between involvement in interfirm technological collaborations and firms' characteristics. More ...
The majority of the theoretical and empirical work in the field of organizational design has focused on large established companies, disregarding entrepreneurial ventures, although the organization of these firms is of paramount importance to their ...
This paper examines the problem of risk mitigation in virtual organizations (VOs). We begin by discussing risk propensity in virtual organizations, and draw on a variety of research to suggest processes important in obtaining high levels of reliable ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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