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View all- Lascar CBarnett P(2009)Journals Not Included in BIOSIS Previews Have a Notable Impact in Biology.Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship10.29173/istl2486Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009
Scholarly usage data holds the potential to be used as a tool to study the dynamics of scholarship in real time, and to form the basis for the definition of novel metrics of scholarly impact. However, the formal groundwork to reliably and validly ...
There exist ample demonstrations that indicators of scholarly impact analogous to the citation-based ISI Impact Factor can be derived from usage data; however, so far, usage can practically be recorded only at the level of distinct information services. ...
Proceeding from the results of an earlier pilot study usage and citation impact data from the 2013 annual volume of the Web of Science Core Collection were collected and used to build indicators. Besides basic indicators on citation impact, usage counts ...
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