Cited By
View all- Lau HZhao ZGe SLee T(2011)Allocating Resources in Multiagent Flowshops With Adaptive AuctionsIEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering10.1109/TASE.2011.21605368:4(732-743)Online publication date: Oct-2011
We study a pricing and allocation problem of a seller of multiple units of a homogeneous item.We consider a setting where buyers expect fairness in the allocation of the units.We present a semi-market mechanism in the form of an iterative ascending-bid ...
We analyze a discrete clock auction with lowest-accepted-bid (LAB) pricing and provisional winners, as adopted by India for its 3G spectrum auction. In a perfect Bayesian equilibrium, the provisional winner shades her bid, whereas provisional losers do ...
We consider the problem of resource allocation and scheduling where information and decisions are decentralized, and our goal is to propose a market mechanism that allows resources from a central resource pool to be allocated to distributed decision ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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