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The ProD framework for proactive displays

Published: 19 October 2008 Publication History


A proactive display is an application that selects content to display based on the set of users who have been detected nearby. For example, the Ticket2Talk [17] proactive display application presented content for users so that other people would know something about them.
It is our view that promising patterns for proactive display applications have been discovered, and now we face the need for frameworks to support the range of applications that are possible in this design space.
In this paper, we present the Proactive Display (ProD) Framework, which allows for the easy construction of proactive display applications. It allows a range of proactive display applications, including ones already in the literature. ProD also enlarges the design space of proactive display systems by allowing a variety of new applications that incorporate different views of social life and community.


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UIST '08: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
October 2008
308 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 19 October 2008


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  1. audience-awareness
  2. awareness
  3. collaborative systems
  4. cscw
  5. pervasive computing
  6. proactive displays
  7. public displays
  8. software framework
  9. ubiquitous computing


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