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View all- Mu XDimitroff AJordan JBurclaff N(2011)A Survey and Empirical Study of Virtual Reference Service in Academic LibrariesThe Journal of Academic Librarianship10.1016/j.acalib.2011.02.00337:2(120-129)Online publication date: Mar-2011
We present and discuss the results of two empirical studies that aim at assessing the contributions, to the effectiveness and efficiency of online help of: adaptive-proactive user support (APH), multimodal (speech and graphics) messages (MH), and ...
Embodied conversational agents hold great potential as multimodal interfaces due to their ability to communicate naturally using speech and nonverbal cues. The goal of my research is to enable animators and designers to endow ECAs with interactive ...
We describe here our efforts for modeling multimodal signals exchanged by interlocutors when interacting face-to-face. This data is then used to control embodied conversational agents able to engage into a realistic face-to-face interaction with human ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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