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An empirical study of required dimensionality for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications

Published: 26 October 2008 Publication History


The technique of latent semantic indexing is used in a wide variety of commercial applications. In these applications, the processing time and RAM required for SVD computation, and the processing time and RAM required during LSI retrieval operations are all roughly linear in the number of dimensions, k, chosen for the LSI representation space. In large-scale commercial LSI applications, reducing k values could be of significant value in reducing server costs. This paper explores the effects of varying dimensionality.
The approach taken here focuses on term comparisons. Pairs of terms are considered which have strong real-world associations. The proximities of members of these pairs in the LSI space are compared at multiple values of k. The testing is carried out for collections of from one to five million documents. For the five million document collection, a value of k ≈ 400 provides the best performance.
The results suggest that there is something of an 'island of stability' in the k = 300 to 500 range. The results also indicate that there is relatively little room to employ k values outside of this range without incurring significant distortions in at least some term-term correlations.


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