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10.1145/1463689.1463707acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesidcConference Proceedingsconference-collections


Published: 11 June 2008 Publication History


The LinguaBytes-project is a three-year research project aimed at developing an adaptive, interactive, tangible play and learning system to stimulate the early language competencies of toddlers at a developmental age between 1 and 4 years - with severe motor and/or multiple disabilities. It serves as the main case study for the first author's PhD research on designing adaptive products. We believe that children from the abovementioned, highly heterogeneous user group could benefit greatly from products or interfaces that could either be adjusted (adaptability) or adjust themselves (adaptivity) to their individual needs. Advances in technology are gradually enabling designers to create such products, but guidelines that help designers do this are scarce. Designers need more insight in the implications of adaptivity and adaptability on the form and content of their design in order to make good design decisions. Using a research-through- design method, we try to generate some of the knowledge that can help designers, not only when designing products or interfaces for this specific user group, but also for heterogeneous user groups in general.


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Light, J. C. (1997). "Let's go star fishing": Reflections on the contexts of language learning for children who use aided AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication 13, 158--171
Malone, T. W., & Lepper, M. R. (1987). Making learning fun. In Aptitude, learning, and instruction: Vol. 3. Cognitive and affective process analysis, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 223--253
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.

Cited By

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  • (2018)Enhancing Usability and User Experience of Children Learning by Playing GamesAdvances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design10.1007/978-3-319-94619-1_40(403-409)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2018
  • (2017)PolipoProceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction10.1145/3024969.3025006(11-20)Online publication date: 20-Mar-2017
  • (2017)Inclusive Toys for Rehabilitation of Children with Disability: A Systematic ReviewUniversal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods10.1007/978-3-319-58706-6_41(503-514)Online publication date: 16-May-2017
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Published In

cover image ACM Other conferences
IDC '08: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Interaction design and children
June 2008
289 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 June 2008


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Author Tags

  1. actuation
  2. adaptivity
  3. bodily skills
  4. interactive toys
  5. language development
  6. multi-handicapped children
  7. tangible interaction


  • Research-article



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  • (2018)Enhancing Usability and User Experience of Children Learning by Playing GamesAdvances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design10.1007/978-3-319-94619-1_40(403-409)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2018
  • (2017)PolipoProceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction10.1145/3024969.3025006(11-20)Online publication date: 20-Mar-2017
  • (2017)Inclusive Toys for Rehabilitation of Children with Disability: A Systematic ReviewUniversal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods10.1007/978-3-319-58706-6_41(503-514)Online publication date: 16-May-2017
  • (2013)Child–computer interactionInternational Journal of Child-Computer Interaction10.1016/j.ijcci.2012.09.0011:1(2-6)Online publication date: Jan-2013
  • (2010)Using NLG and sensors to support personal narrative for children with complex communication needsProceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies10.5555/1867750.1867751(1-9)Online publication date: 5-Jun-2010

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