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10.1145/1551788.1551836acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesidcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

WeWrite: 'on-the-fly' interactive writing on electronic textiles with mobile phones

Published: 03 June 2009 Publication History


In this paper, we describe the background of the design and the new possibilities of interaction for teenagers with WeWrite, a JAVA-based interaction tool for mobile phones. WeWrite opens up new possibilities for interacting with self-designed and programmed wearables, using the Lily-Pad, the iconic programming interface Amici, as well as IDE Arduino. WeWrite has been designed and developed by three university students in close cooperation with teachers and thirty-one 10th grade students. WeWrite enables its young users to experience and reflect on e-textiles as creating new modes of communication, interaction and identity construction while writing letter strings. Using LED matrixes, animated forms of digital writing can be displayed on clothes (e.g. jeans and sweatshirts). Furthermore, LEDs can be attached to gloves that create the impression of air letters when moved quickly in darkened rooms.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Madness to the methods: Speculating approaches to study and nurture children's designer and Maker identities6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 202210.1145/3535227.3535233(1-9)Online publication date: 30-May-2022
  • (2010)AmarinoProceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services10.1145/1851600.1851652(291-298)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2010



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cover image ACM Other conferences
IDC '09: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
June 2009
347 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 03 June 2009


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Author Tags

  1. e-textiles
  2. iterative design
  3. learning
  4. mobile phones
  5. programmable environments
  6. user centered design
  7. wearable computing


  • Research-article


IDC '09

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Overall Acceptance Rate 172 of 578 submissions, 30%


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  • (2022)Madness to the methods: Speculating approaches to study and nurture children's designer and Maker identities6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 202210.1145/3535227.3535233(1-9)Online publication date: 30-May-2022
  • (2010)AmarinoProceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services10.1145/1851600.1851652(291-298)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2010

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