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Sketch-based path design

Published: 25 May 2009 Publication History


We present Drive, a system for the conceptual layout of 3D path networks. Our sketch-based interface allows users to efficiently author path layouts with minimal instruction. Our system incorporates some new and noteworthy components. We present the break-out lens, a novel widget for interactive graphics, inspired by break-out views used in engineering visualization. We also make three contributions specific to path curve design: First, we extend our previous work to fit aesthetic paths to sketch strokes with constraints, using piecewise clothoid curves. Second, we determine the height of paths above the terrain using a constraint optimization formulation of the occlusion relationships between sketched strokes. Finally, we illustrate examples of terrain sensitive path construction in the context of road design: automatically removing foliage, building bridges and tunnels across topographic features and constructing road signs appropriate to the sketched paths.


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
GI '09: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2009
May 2009
257 pages


  • The Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society / Société Canadienne du Dialogue Humaine Machine (CHCCS/SCDHM)


Canadian Information Processing Society


Publication History

Published: 25 May 2009


  • Research-article

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GI '09 Paper Acceptance Rate 28 of 77 submissions, 36%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 206 of 508 submissions, 41%


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