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ISO 9241-9 evaluation of video game controllers

Published: 25 May 2009 Publication History


Fifteen participants completed a study comparing video game controllers for point-select tasks. We used a Fitts' law task, as per ISO 9241-9, using the Nintendo Wii Remote for infrared pointing, the Nintendo Classic Controller for analogue stick pointing, and a standard mouse as a baseline condition. The mouse had the highest throughput at 3.78 bps. Both game controllers performed poorly by comparison. The Wii Remote throughput was 31.5% lower, at 2.59 bps, and the Classic Controller 60.8% lower at 1.48 bps. Comparing just the video game controllers, the Wii Remote presents a 75% increase in throughput over the Classic Controller. Error rates for the mouse, Classic Controller, and the Wii Remote were 3.53%, 6.58%, and 10.2%, respectively. Fourteen of 15 participants expressed a preference for the Wii Remote over the Classic Controller for pointing tasks in a home entertainment environment.


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  1. ISO 9241-9 evaluation of video game controllers



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    GI '09: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2009
    May 2009
    257 pages


    • The Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society / Société Canadienne du Dialogue Humaine Machine (CHCCS/SCDHM)


    Canadian Information Processing Society


    Publication History

    Published: 25 May 2009

    Author Tags

    1. Wiimote
    2. Fitts' task
    3. analogue stick
    4. infrared
    5. performance comparison
    6. target acquisition
    7. video game controller


    • Research-article

    Acceptance Rates

    GI '09 Paper Acceptance Rate 28 of 77 submissions, 36%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 206 of 508 submissions, 41%


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